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How To Identify Raw Diamonds

Last updated on August 30, 2023

Diamonds have long been the epitome of beauty and luxury, captivating both the eye and the imagination. But beyond their dazzling appearance lies a world of intrigue and mystery – the realm of raw diamonds. These uncut gems hold within them a hidden potential to become true works of art, but identifying them in their natural form can be a daunting task. In this article, we will delve into the secrets of recognizing raw diamonds, unraveling their enigmatic qualities while empowering you with the knowledge that can unlock these precious treasures from the depths of the Earth.

Identifying Raw Diamonds Through Color And Clarity

Color and clarity are two key factors in identifying raw diamonds. When it comes to color, most people would think that a pure white diamond is the best. However, diamonds actually come in a range of colors including yellow, brown, and even rare hues like blue or pink. The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) has a color grading scale that ranges from D (colorless) to Z (light yellow or brown). The closer the diamond is to being completely colorless, the more valuable it is considered.

Apart from color, clarity plays a crucial role in determining the quality of a raw diamond. Clarity refers to the presence or absence of internal and external flaws, known as inclusions and blemishes respectively. These imperfections can affect both the appearance and durability of the stone. The GIA uses 11 different clarity grades ranging from Flawless (no visible imperfections under 10x magnification) to Included 3 (obvious inclusions visible with the naked eye). While flawless diamonds are extremely rare and highly prized for their purity, slightly included diamonds can still be beautiful and may offer better value for those on a budget.

By understanding how color and clarity impact a raw diamond’s value, enthusiasts can become more discerning when evaluating potential purchases. Remember that beauty is subjective – some may find colored diamonds unique and desirable while others prefer the classic brilliance of near-colorless stones.

Evaluating The Cut And Shape Of Raw Diamonds

When evaluating the cut and shape of raw diamonds, it’s important to keep in mind that these factors can greatly impact the overall value and quality of the stone. The cut refers to how well a diamond has been shaped and faceted, while the shape refers to the outline or silhouette of the stone. A well-cut diamond will maximize its ability to reflect light, resulting in superior brilliance and sparkle.

One key aspect to consider when assessing the cut is how well-proportioned the facets are. A proper balance between each facet allows for optimal light reflection within the stone. Additionally, it’s crucial to examine symmetry within the diamond’s shape. Symmetry adds to both visual appeal and overall value as it contributes to a more pleasing aesthetic.

The shape of a raw diamond varies greatly from one stone to another. Popular shapes include round brilliant cuts, princess cuts, emerald cuts, and marquise cuts among others. Each shape offers its unique characteristics that affect both appearance and perceived value. For instance, round brilliant cuts provide exceptional fire due to their faceted design and are often considered more valuable than other shapes due to their popularity in engagement rings.

Understanding how cut and shape play integral roles in determining a raw diamond’s value empowers you with knowledge when making decisions about purchasing or selling loose stones or designer jewelry pieces. By paying attention to details such as proportions, symmetry, and popular shapes you’ll be able not only to appreciate this gemstone further but also make informed choices suitable for your personal tastes or professional needs.

Using The Diamond Tester To Confirm The Authenticity

Using a diamond tester is one of the most reliable ways to confirm the authenticity of a diamond. These handheld devices work by passing an electrical current through the gemstone and measuring its conductivity. Since diamonds are excellent conductors of heat and electricity, they will react differently than other substances, such as cubic zirconia or moissanite. This test is quick, non-destructive, and highly accurate, making it a popular choice among jewelers and gem enthusiasts.

However, it’s important to note that while a diamond tester can give you a good idea about whether the stone is genuine or not, it doesn’t provide any information about its quality or value. A diamond tester simply confirms if the stone in question is truly made of carbon like natural diamonds are. To assess other aspects like color, clarity, cut, and carat weight—known as the Four Cs—one still needs professional expertise or access to grading laboratories.

Another advantage of using a diamond tester lies in its portability and easy operation. Professionals often carry these devices with them when evaluating diamonds on the go at auctions or trade shows. Moreover, even if you’re not an expert in gemology yourself, investing in a diamond tester can help you make informed decisions when buying jewelry or loose stones online. By verifying their authenticity before making a purchase, you can ensure that your investment is worthwhile and avoid potential scams in this market flooded with synthetic alternatives posing as genuine jewels.

Additional Methods For Identifying Raw Diamonds

In addition to the traditional methods mentioned earlier, there are several other techniques that can be employed to identify raw diamonds.

  1. One such method is using ultraviolet (UV) light. Diamonds often exhibit a blue fluorescence when exposed to UV light, which can help differentiate them from other gemstones. This test involves placing the diamond under a UV lamp and observing its reaction.
  2. Another method that is gaining popularity among experts is thermal conductivity testing. Diamonds have high thermal conductive properties, meaning they disperse heat quickly when in contact with it. To conduct this test, a heated metal probe is placed against the stone’s surface, and the rate at which it loses heat is measured. If the stone cools rapidly, it suggests that it may be a diamond.
  3. Lastly, advanced spectroscopy techniques can also be used to identify raw diamonds by analyzing their spectral signature or unique light absorption patterns. Spectroscopy devices emit specific wavelengths of light onto the stone and measure how much of each wavelength gets absorbed or reflected back. By comparing these readings to known diamond spectra, experts can determine if a stone is indeed a diamond and even provide information about its quality and origin.

These additional methods not only provide alternative ways for identifying raw diamonds but also offer insights into their quality and characteristics—ranging from their ability to fluoresce under UV light to their thermal conductivity properties and spectral signatures—allowing for a more comprehensive analysis of these coveted gemstones.


In conclusion, unveiling the beauty of raw diamonds is a fascinating journey that requires keen observation and knowledge. Unlike their polished counterparts, raw diamonds possess an innate charm that captures the essence of nature’s wonders. These unrefined gems exhibit a unique blend of imperfections and brilliance, telling stories of their formation millions of years ago deep within the Earth’s mantle.

While many may perceive raw diamonds as less valuable or desirable than their polished versions, their true beauty lies in their rawness. Raw diamonds showcase an authentic and natural allure that cannot be replicated through cutting and shaping. Their rough edges and irregular shapes reflect the untamed forces that shaped them over time, leaving behind a truly captivating masterpiece.

The enchantment of discovering the inherent beauty within raw diamonds lies in appreciating their uniqueness. Each stone possesses its own distinct characteristics, making it one-of-a-kind. The diverse range of colors, shapes, and textures found in these uncut gems create a vast playground for those who appreciate unconventional beauty. By embracing the imperfections and celebrating the untouched splendor of these stones, we can unlock a new realm of admiration for nature’s craftsmanship hidden within each raw diamond.

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